Yesterday I was reminded to never attempt anything requiring even the minimal use of my brain before having consumed at least one cup of coffee.
This reminder came in the form of sending the wrong file to the five winner's of an ebook copy of Moonlight & Stained Glass from the M/M Romance Group's Anniversary Celebration. So they now have a bonus story The Gallant Stranger. I also offer that as a free download here on my blog (I haven't been told the download doesn't work, so that's good!).
Snowboards & Tuxes is still in progress. I haven't given up on story/series. As a matter of fact, I now have titles and more fleshed out plots for all 3 (yes THREE) works to follow S&T, for a grand total of 5 books in the P&A series. I give fair warning since now, the fifth book will NOT be M/M. It won't even be a romance. The fifth book will be Tammy's story and her account of the events that take place in the first 4 books.
So with all of the above being said, I'm proud to announce that I'll be published in a holiday anthology brought to you by Beaten Track Publishing sometime this winter (for those in the northern hemisphere, in the south I do suppose it would be summer). The story I'm submitting is titled Coming in from the Cold and is a standalone sequel to The Gallant Stranger.
*muse smacks my hand* "Back to writing!"
This reminder came in the form of sending the wrong file to the five winner's of an ebook copy of Moonlight & Stained Glass from the M/M Romance Group's Anniversary Celebration. So they now have a bonus story The Gallant Stranger. I also offer that as a free download here on my blog (I haven't been told the download doesn't work, so that's good!).
Snowboards & Tuxes is still in progress. I haven't given up on story/series. As a matter of fact, I now have titles and more fleshed out plots for all 3 (yes THREE) works to follow S&T, for a grand total of 5 books in the P&A series. I give fair warning since now, the fifth book will NOT be M/M. It won't even be a romance. The fifth book will be Tammy's story and her account of the events that take place in the first 4 books.
So with all of the above being said, I'm proud to announce that I'll be published in a holiday anthology brought to you by Beaten Track Publishing sometime this winter (for those in the northern hemisphere, in the south I do suppose it would be summer). The story I'm submitting is titled Coming in from the Cold and is a standalone sequel to The Gallant Stranger.
*muse smacks my hand* "Back to writing!"
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